Thursday, May 13, 2021

Fillmore 4th Ward Sacrament Services May 16th 2021



330 East 500 South

PO Box 442


May 16th 2021

Sacrament Services:  9:00 am

Visitors Welcome



May 16th 2021

Follow the Prophet in Faith

Conducting: ................................................................................................ Brother Ashton

Organist: .................................................................................................... Debbie Lichfield

Chorister: ............................................................................................... Riki Jo Rasmussen

Opening Hymn: ........................................................................... The Lord Is My Light - 89

Opening Prayer:....................................................................................... Sheri Stephenson

Ward Business: ..................................................................................................... Bishopric

Youth Speaker: ............................................................................................................... TBA

Speaker: .......................................................................................................... Colton Hatch

Special Musical Number: ................................................................................... Diane Bell

Speaker: ............................................................................................................. Greg Roper

Closing Hymn: ..................................................................... Lead Me into Life Eternal- 45

Closing Prayer: ................................................................................................. Brian Taylor

Sacrament Hymn:................................................................ While of These Emblems- 173


May 10–16


Doctrine and Covenants 49–50

“That Which Is of God Is Light”



Elder Jaren Camp

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Mission

Elder Brock Bartholomew

South Africa Johannesburg Mission

Elder Bryce Stringam

Chile Antofagasta Mission

Elder Colton Monroe

Idaho Pocatello Mission

Elder Garrett Spendlove

California Anaheim Mission

Elder Kobe Brunson

Arkansas Bentonville Mission

Elder Kael Myers

Michigan Detroit Mission




Ashton, Emily 16 May

Frisby, Emily 17 May

Monroe, Dani 18 May

Murdock, Lola 19 May 

Rasmussen, Nora 19 May

Taylor, Janae 19 May

Bingham, Michael 20 May 

Davies, Jason Jack 22 May 

Gagon, Janessa 22 May

Tingey, Halli Hope 22 May

Leatham, Kamryn 23 May

Noyes, Connie 23 May

Petro, David 23 May

Recchini, Kathleen 23 May 

Christensen, Lester 24 May 

Mitchell, Jeffrey 24 May 

Leatham, Crystal 26 May

Bartholomew, Brandon 27 May 

Wright, Bodie Ken 27 May 

Lichfield, Julia 29 May

Harding, Carol 30 May

Harding, Kirk 30 May

Wright, Gauge Craig 1 Jun 

Spendlove, Chelton 2 Jun 

Huffer, Ivy 3 Jun

Sorensen, Lexi 3 Jun

Hare, Curt 4 Jun

Jackson, Wayne 4 Jun 

Spendlove, Garrett 4 Jun 

Brunson, Jennifer 5 Jun

Cooper, Rhett 5 Jun

Nez, Camri 5 Jun

Gates, Dick 6 Jun

Robinson, Feliz 7 Jun

The LDSaccess wireless network has been replaced by the Liahona wireless network.  The password is: alma3738.  You will need to accept the usage terms each time you login to the new network.


Sacrament Meeting will be live streamed on Facebook:

This bulletin is available at


WE’RE BACK!!!!! Starting Sunday May 2nd, we’re starting Primary again! It’s not quite back to normal yet. After Sacrament meeting, Junior Primary and teachers (Sunbeams, CTR 4, 5 and 6) will head to the Primary room for Singing Time. Senior Primary and teachers (CTR 7, Valiant 8, 9, and 10) will head to the back gym/3rd overflow for Lesson Time. Halfway through our Primary time, the lesson teacher and singing teacher will switch places. Just for now, the Primary presidency will teach a big group lesson. As soon as we can, we’ll get your individual classrooms assigned. We are SO EXCITED!!!                         

Greetings from Primary!!
We invite you to save the date for our upcoming Primary Activity:
We will have awesome Church History activities and a refreshing treat for our primary kiddos (Sunbeams through Valiant 10s) and their teachers!

Saturday May 22 from 10 am until noon at the 4th ward building parking lot. Watch for the decorations! It’s going to be wild! 🦘

Relief Society Party June 1st 6:00 pm

Youth Conference June 25-26th

To schedule an appointment for Recommend interview go to:

To schedule an appointment for youth interview go to:

To sign up for building cleaning go to:


Please see Ward Calendar for more info.



Stake Presidency – Sunday 4:30-5:30pm (except 1st Sunday), Tuesday 7-8:30pm

Library items needed prior to Sunday, call/text Marilyn Speakman at 435.743.5181

Home Storage Center: Tuesday 3:00-7:00, Wednesday 3:00-7:00 855.839.5486

Order Form

Tables/chairs: John Orullian, 435.253.0311

Building Scheduling: Belinda Ashton, 435.864.7654

12 Step Program: Thursdays, 7:30 at 1st & 4th Ward building

Institute: Wednesday, 7:00 PM, Seminary Building.

Family History Resources:

Tuesday 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Wed. 10:00AM – 4:00PM 7:00PM – 9:00PM,


The Fillmore Legacy Center is in full operation. We encourage you and your family to make an appointment today to use this studio for recording family/family history stories, music, etc. Call the Family History Center @ 435.287.4209 ext. 3 or Melanni Lang @ 435.864.8134


Please submit announcements for the Sacrament Program by 7:00PM on Wednesday to Dan Speakman

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