Thursday, October 22, 2020

Fillmore Fourth Ward Sacrament Services October 25th 2020




October 25h 2020

Looking at the World Through a Child’s Eyes

Conducting: ............................................................................................... Bishop Brunson

Organist: .................................................................................................... Debbie Lichfield

Chorister: ............................................................................................... Riki Jo Rasmussen

Opening Hymn: ......................................................................... Press Forward Saints - 81

Opening Prayer:............................................................................................ Ron Dickinson

Ward Business: ..................................................................................................... Bishopric

Speaker:......................................................................................................... Kristine Camp

Speaker:....................................................................................................... Maria Reidhead

Musical Number:....................................................................................... Jessica Freeman

Speaker:.............................................................................................................. Holly Seiler

Closing Hymn: ............................................................................. The Lord is My Light - 89

Closing Prayer: .................................................................................................. Carol Egan

Sacrament Hymn:.................................................. Father in Heaven, We do Believe - 180


October 19–25

3 Nephi 27–4 Nephi

“There Could Not Be a Happier People”


Thanks to all who have helped in anyway with the funerals.

Please see Ward Calendar for more info.




Stake Presidency – Sunday 4:30-5:30pm (except 1st Sunday), Tuesday 7-8:30pm

Library items needed prior to Sunday, call Lynnette Keel at 435.253.1475

Home Storage Center: Tuesday 3:00-7:00, Wednesday 3:00-7:00

Appointments: Fred & Kathy Taylor 435.743.5882

Richard & Mila Nelson 435.558.5845

Tables/chairs: John Orullian, 435.253.0311

Building Scheduling: Belinda Ashton, 435.864.7654

12 Step Program: Thursdays, 7:30 at 1st & 4th Ward building

Institute: Wednesday, 7:00 PM, Seminary Building.

Family History Resources: Tue. 10:00AM – 4:00PM,

Wed. 1:00PM – 4:00PM 7:00PM – 9:00PM,

Thurs. 1:00PM – 4:00PM, 7:00PM – 9:00PM

All other days will be by appointment.

FHC Blog:

Contact: Melanni Lang @ 435-864-8134


The Fillmore Legacy Center is in full operation. We encourage you and your family to make an appointment today to use this studio for recording family/family history stories, music, etc. Call the Family History Center @ 435.287.4209 ext. 3 or Melanni Lang @ 435-864-8134


Please submit announcements for the Sacrament Program by 7:00PM on Wednesday to Dan Speakman




330 East 500 South

PO Box 442


October 25th 2020

Sacrament Services:  11:30 am

Visitors Welcome


Bishop                Darren Brunson 435.979.1012

First Counselor         Brian Ashton 801.361.7594

Second Counselor  Brian Monroe 435.864.8883

Executive Secretary Dan Speakman 435.979.2797

Ward Clerk            Eben Leatham 435.310.0481

Local Missionaries                       435.680.7205

Meetinghouse Text/Phone           385.429.2825    



Leatham, Tessa Jo 25 Oct Winget, Burke V 25 Oct Bartholomew, Taran 26 Oct Adams, Treyson LaRell 27 Oct Frampton, Joyce 27 Oct

Rasmussen, Drew 27 Oct Anderson, Marci 28 Oct

Bailey, Kelsha 28 Oct

Camp, Kara 28 Oct

Carter, Bridgett 28 Oct

Gutierrez, Emilio 1 Nov

Orullian, John 1 Nov

Rhinehart, Katrina 1 Nov

Day, June 2 Nov

Orullian, Jamie 2 Nov

Mitchell, Lindsay 3 Nov

Noyes, Candis 4 Nov

Cummings, Ross 5Nov

Lukenbach, Richard 5Nov

Monroe, Jamie 5Nov

Kunz, Kaylee Anna 6Nov

Bailey, Camille 7Nov

Wilcox, Jaisha 8 Nov

Davies, Kinzley B. 9 Nov

Miller, Sadie 9 Nov

Cummings, Terri 10 Nov B

Barney, Nancy Ann 11 Nov Buckley, Marilyn 11 Nov

Frisby, Coleson Daniel 11 Nov Murdock, Lance Jensen 11 Nov Davies, Renee 13 Nov

Callahan, Oliver Sleight 14 Nov Callahan, Samuel Cubb 14 Nov Stevens, Gage W 14 Nov


The LDSaccess wireless network has been replaced by the Liahona wireless network.  The password is: alma3738.  You will need to accept the usage terms each time you login to the new network.


Sacrament Meeting will be live streamed on Facebook on the Fillmore Fourth page. 


This bulletin is available at

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